Recently I found myself in the middle of a moral dilemma in which I believed that I may have acted inappropriately some time ago. After some time thinking about it and talking about it with friends I have come to the conclusion that I didn't do anything wrong. However, I did discover that some people just don't know me as well as I'd assumed.
Those I spoke to about this matter were often good enough to hear me out and let me explain what the issue was; the problem came with how they tried to help me deal with that problem. Those that have only known me for a few years or less would offer advice and end that advice by expressing the idea that I was over reacting and that I should 'let it go' because 'it's in the past.'
Those I spoke to that have known me for years and years listened to what I had to say, offered advice; and more importantly, asked me questions. They would ask what I remembered about the issue, what it would mean if I had acted inappropriately, what could be done about it now, did I believe that I would act in such a fashion in other circumstances, etc...
The point of what I'm getting at is: I try to not push my bad decisions away or excuse what I've done just because I didn't realize how bad I had erred previously. If/When I realize I have made a mistake or a bad decision I prefer to handle it at that time, assuming I'm able. Being as human as the next man, I will make mistakes, but I try to minimize them and to make amends for them. I want to be a good person and endeavor to be diligent about the actions I take.
I also want to take the time to say Thank You to all of my friends that took the time to hear me out and tried to help me with this situation. Not everyone fully understood how best to help me, but everyone did try and for that I am truly grateful.